
Posted on: Tue 9th Jun 2020

NiMAC’s “Association” with the Global Lubricants Market

stle3.jpgNiMAC has technical specialists who regularly participate in lubricant associations, working groups, industry events, conferences and courses held all across the globe.   With the MD Nigel McDonald having served as a Director of the United Kingdom Lubricants Association (UKLA) for a number of years, the NiMAC team are well versed at keeping up to date and providing their customers, partners and staff with the latest industry developments.
Unfortunately, the Covid-19 virus has brought about uncertainty with regards to the scheduling of events planned for 2020 with man y now cancelled. NiMAC was due to attend the following events and would welcome meetings with fellow professionals or customers.
STLE AGM Chicago – 03-07 May 2020
Chemuk 2020 – 16-17 September 2020
UKLA Annual Dinner – 4 November 2020
Advanced Engineering –5 November 2020
MACH Exhibition – 25/28 January 2021
ELGI – Hamburg – 24/27 April 2021

Please note the above events are subject to re-scheduling.
To book a meeting with the NiMAC technical representative in attendance, to allow a sharing of industry thoughts and expertise, or to understand how the NiMAC portfolio could assist your business, contact the office on +441384370374



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